Kissing bug : The blood hungry insects.

Kissing bug : The blood hungry insects.

Apart from humans many animals,insects spiders are found in our world. These worms or insects live in our houses with us for centuries ,but some of those are dangerous,which can cause serious illness.

Insects may be found in nearly all environments,although only a small number of species reside in the oceans.

Some insects damage crops by feeding on sap,leaves ,fruits,or wood.many insects are considered ecologically beneficial as predators and few provide direct economic benefit. 

Silk warms produce silk and honey bees produce honey and both have been domesticated by humans.
Insects are consumed as food in 80% of the worlds nations.


Today we are talking about a worm or bug that is known as kissing bug and which can cause the hearts related serious diseases . So lets know some information about this worms or bugs.

Kissing bugs :-It is an insect or bug that likes to suck blood ,while sucking the blood,it leaves its parasite in the skin,which can cause many diseases.


source : wikipedia

This bug bite almost around the eyes and lips, that is why this is known as kissing bug.These insects or worms are related to Triatominae group ,they are also known as killer bugs .

Where are kissing bugs found :-
Kissing bugs species are found in many places around the world ,such as in America, Asia, Africa, Australia, etc.But it is most commonly found in South America .It has 11 species in South America.
Kissing bugs like to live in hot spots,which suck blood around human face while sleeping.
It is yellow,reddish brown in colour ,with streaks on body.
Their bites keep the possibility of Chagas diseases.

Chagas disease:-The disease was named after the Brazilian physician and epidemiologist Carlos chagas, who first described in 1909.It is tropical disease that is mostly caused by kissing bugs. Initially symptoms of chagas disease are fever, swollen, headache, sometimes its symptoms are not known, but after some years the intestines of the heart and the size of the breathing tube will increase. It means the chagas disease occurs in two stages first acute and second is chronic stage.
Acute stage occurs shortly after an initial infection at the place of bite.but in Chronic stage the symptoms developed over many year.
It may also be difficult to eat and fresh inside a chagas diseases.It can Swollen liver,spleen ,glands and eye lids. It may be dangerous in many cases.


This is done by using sprays and paints containing insecticides ,and improving housing and sanitary conditions in rural areas.For urban dwellers ,spending vacations and camping out in the wilderness or sleeping at hostels and mud houses in endemic areas can be dangerous.
A mosquito net is use at the place of sleeping.
Blood Transfusion was formally the most common mode for chagas diseases ,but the development of blood screening it can reduced the risk of chagas.
Make sure that door and windows are closed,and there is no hole to free access.
The kissing bugs are most commonly found under in wood furniture ,out door dog or cat houses ,so cleaning those areas regularly .

Early infection is treated with benzanadazole or nifertimoxescin drugs ( according to wikipedia) If given in the initial stage it treats in almost every case,but the disease is less effective than a long time from the disease.
benzanadazole or nifertimoxescin drugs ,There may be temporary back effects in people up to 40% which include problems related to skins disorders, brain toxicity and digestive system.

Do not take any medicine with out the advice of the doctor because it may be dangerous for your health.

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