Greta Thunberg : # Friday for future

hello guys,

                 At the age of 16, where most of younger are surrounded by fantasies but there are few who think for others. There is a girl who is making people aware from global warming and climate change.  Here we are talking about  a Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. Greta is a 16 years old school going girl recently she has been nominated for Nobel peace prize. Greta is famous for a campaign school strike for climate.

                                        lets talk about her life journey for climate.
Source:- Wikipedia

Journey of Greta :-  First, Greta took the attention of people when she were strike for reduced the carbon emission at the front of Swedish parliament in august 2018.

after this she spoke at Tedxstockholm in November 2018, In December 2018 Greta talk in climate change conference in Poland .
in January 2019 she talk in world economic forum in Devas, and get international attention.

now she has been missing her lessons and school classes on Friday for her campaign. she gives an idea to us  #Fridays for future.

Award and honour :- she win svenska dagbladets debate article writing competition in may 2018.
In November 2018 she was awarded fryshuset scholarship.
Greta was in 25 most influential teenagers by time magazine in December 2018.
she was also nominated for telge energy prize for who promote sustainable development but she refused it because the finalist would have to fly to stockholm.

according to her- We can not solve a crisis without behaving as a crisis.....

on #fridayforfuture many students strike against for climate change.

carbon emission:- Here we should understand that what is carbon emission. and how it impact on our planet.carbon emission means is release of carbon or green house gas into atmosphere or climate.
By burning of fuels green house gasses mostly carbon Di oxide released in environment and disturb the environment cycle and human health too.
Greta thunberg try to aware people from crisis of global warming by her campaign #school strike for climate .
that's why thousands of students in all over world support Greta and she has been nominated for Nobel Peace prize.

If she wins the Nobel for peace ,she will become the youngest Nobel peace prize awardee after the Malala yusufzai who won the Nobel peace prize at the age of 17 in 2014.

Your best teacher is your last mistake.


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