First real image of black hole : Galaxy M87

hello guys,

The world full of curiosity and fantasy has always been attracting mankind.We are constantly making new efforts in search of our existence so that the possibilities can be made possible.
Through technology, mankind is constantly looking for life prospects outside the blue planet.
Scientists have made another big attempt in this quest of survival search, now scientists took a picture of black hole,which till now was only told through imaginations and by the theories.
lets know the black hole and some information about it.

Black hole:- An astronomical body with a powerful gravitational field that attract every object.
The entire mass of black hole is centred in a point which is known as central singularity point.Black hole absorb light too.
Any object with included light can fall in black hole but can not came back.

Real pictures and fact :- On April 10,2019, the first real picture of black hole brought by scientists to the world . All the pictures before that was all the imagination.The picture is blurry because it has been taken from a lot of distance and has been extended  several times.                                                                

Source: N.S.F website

This black hole has been found 50 Million light years away from our land in a Messier 87 galaxy.
To take the actual picture of black hole , the data was collected by putting telescope at 8 location in the world ,and combining these telescope into a virtual telescope where by this photo got.
Scientists took this picture of black hole two years ago but due to 10,00000 G.B. of data it took two years to make normal photo.

Event horizon:-Inside the pictures , you may be looking at a bright boundary, due to which the picture could be taken because it was impossible to take a picture with out light.So event horizon is a
theoretical boundary around a black hole beyond which no light and other radiation can escape.

your best teacher is your last mistake.

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